عرض مشاركة واحدة

الصورة الرمزية عبد الحسن2
عبد الحسن2
رقم العضوية : 19912
الإنتساب : Jun 2008
المشاركات : 1,321
بمعدل : 0.23 يوميا

عبد الحسن2 غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور عبد الحسن2

  مشاركة رقم : 4  
كاتب الموضوع : عبد الحسن2 المنتدى : منتـدى سيرة أهـل البيت عليهم السلام
قديم بتاريخ : 15-06-2010 الساعة : 08:30 PM

كتب التلمود 70 حاخاماً في بابل
وهذا هم الأساس والقانون الذي يعمل به اليهود اليوم.
كتبه رجال!! هجروا التوراة واتبعوا التلمود
وهؤلاء الحاخامات كانوا متأثرين بنظام وحياة البابليين
انتهى المقطع - --------

يهدف التلمود إلى عدة أجندة تتمحور حول القدس ومعبد سليمان
وهذه الأهداف ترتبط بشدة مع أصول وأهداف الجماعات السرية
النبي سليمان براء من هذه الخطط الشريرة

عودة لنفس المحاضرة:

ماهو هذا المعبد؟

ان معبد سليمان ليس الا خرافة
لا يوجد شيء إسمه معبد سليمان!
من الذي بنى المعبد (المسجد الأقصى)؟
الذي بنى المسجد هو النبي يعقوب عليه السلام
وقام سيدنا سليمان بإعمار المسجد وتوسعته خلال فترة ملكه
لم يكن معبداً!! بل كان مسجداً!!
انتهى المقطع---

قام سليمان عليه السلام بتوسعة المسجد الأقصى طاعة لله
وبالرغم من أن كل رسول قد أكد لشعبه حقيقة الرسل القادمين بعده وكتبهم المكملة,
إلا أن القادة الفاسدون حاربوا الحقيقة

عودة للمقطع:
لنقرأ من سورة البقرة الآية 101
وَلَمَّا جَاءَهُمْ رَسُولٌ مِنْ عِنْدِ اللَّهِ مُصَدِّقٌ لِمَا مَعَهُمْ نَبَذَ فَرِيقٌ مِنْ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ كِتَابَ اللَّهِ وَرَاءَ ظُهُورِهِمْ كَأَنَّهُمْ لا يَعْلَمُونَ (101)
من الذين جاءهم
يقصد اليهود
إذن فقد رموا كتاب الله!
وعندما جاء الرسول الكريم عليه وآله الصلاة والسلام رفضوا إتباعه
ماذا إتبعوا؟!

وَاتَّبَعُوا مَا تَتْلُو الشَّيَاطِينُ عَلَى مُلْكِ سُلَيْمَانَ

ماذا تتحدث عنه هذه الآية؟
قام الشياطين بتعليم الناس السحر
الشياطين كانوا يعلمون الناس السحر
قبل وبعد مملكة سليمان عليه السلام
وقال السدّي في تفسيره لهذه الآيات:
عَلِمَ سليمان ان الشياطين تعلم الناس السحر لذا جمع كتبهم التي كتبوا فيها السحر

اخذها من الشياطين و من الناس و قام بسن قانون ان منتعلم السحر او علمه او عمل به يعدم
وأخذ كل كتبهم ودفنها تحت كرسي عرشه
وتستمر القصة كما نعرفونها.
انتهى المقطع ----------------------

تعلمون الآن أن الخطط للجماعات السرية
هي أن يقوموا بإعادة "إحياء معبد سليمان" والحفر تحت المسجد الأقصى لإستعادة "الكنز المفقود".
ولن يوقفهم شيء في سعيهم لتحقيق هدفهم
لأن هذا المسجد تحوم حوله مؤامرة عظيمة!
هل تعتقد أن السلام سيحل يوماً في فلسطين؟
إنّ فلسطين هي حجر الأساس في هذه المؤامرة العالمية
وإنهم يعدونها ببطء وعزم لقدوم المسيح الدجال

صورة لخارطة فلسطين

العديد منكم لا يعرف المسجد الأقصى وهذه ليست مصادفة

هذا ليس المسجد الأقصى!!!
هذا مسجد قبة الصخرة!!
بالرغم من هذا فإنه متى ماذكر المسجد الأقصى سواء في الإعلام الإسلامي أو الغربي فإن صورة قبة الصخرة هي ما يعرض.
لقد تم التلاعب بك عن قصد لتفكر بهذه الطريقة وذلك لكي لاتعلم عندما يقومون بتدمير المسجد الأقصى.
إنه واجب عليك أن تعرف الفرق!!

صورة توضيحية

بينما أنت تشاهد هذا الفيديو وتكتشف خططهم فأنّ عمليات الحفر تحت المسجد الأقصى مستمرة.
وتدمير هذا المسجد هي أحد أهم وآخر علامات ظهور قدوم المهدي
مثل الحبوب الموصوفة عندما تسيء إستخدامها يا صاح!!
يوم إستولى فرسان المعبد على القدس ياصاح
وإكتشفوا الكنز المدفون تحت معبد سليمان
"الأقصى"!! الإسم ليس مصادفة!!

The Arrivals pt 34 - The infiltration of Religion

The Arrivals pt. 34

“The infiltration of religion”

Have you read the theories of today, concerning God, Religion, and mankind? Do you recognize the common denominator? “There is no god”. “God is a self fulfilling delusion”. “You are a god”. “Through your consciousness you are the creator”. “You evolved from apes”. “do as thou wilt”. “Aliens were behind the miracles of your holy books". "You were genetically created by aliens". "The elite created religion as a tool for control". If you believe any of what I have mentioned, then you have fell into the trap, of a worldly agenda. An agenda that aims to blind and misguide you away from the truth. By removing God from your lives, this agenda lures you into focusing on worldly pleasures and wordly gains. And by focusing on the rewards of this life, rather than the afterlife, only then do you become a controlled tool, in the hands of the elite. Because the world of the dajjal is one built on pleasure, and consumption. This is why the number one lesson of the satanic religion is... “Do as thou wilt” If religion was created by man, alien, or the elite as a tool for control.. Then why do polytheistic religions never face any struggle. While every monotheistic faith has been attacked by those very same people in power? Why have only the true prophets of God been attacked by the elite? Because a monotheistic religion is what will free mankind from the tyranny of rulership. And that is why it is the ltimate threat to those in power. The New Testament. The Quran. In our world of deception, this is how the truth will always be treated. That is one of the biggest lessons of this series. The Old Testament. Just look at all the polytheistic religions of the world, and ask yourself, “why have non of them been fought?” None of these religions, have ever faced any opposition from those in power. Ask yourself why. That is how you will understand which religions have been created by the elite, and which have not. The truth is that there has always been one God and one message behind all the true religions. In essence a true believer should believe in the message of Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed as one message. As one religion. But why so much differences today? Why is there no unity between the monotheistic faiths? There is no unity even amongst the sects of the same monotheistic religions. Why ? Although monotheistic religions have not been created by man... Each one has been infiltrated. Let's journey through the history of the monotheistic faiths to understand how they were infiltrated. And where the differences came from. Let's start with Jewish faith and the Holy Torah. The kingdom of the jews was destroyed by whom? Nebuchadnezzar. The Babylonian kingdom they defeated. The jews in the holy land. they broke up their kingdom. not only that. they took them as slaves back to Iraq and Babel in Babylon. They took them back to Babel. And the jews were cut off from the true religion of allah suphenuteala. They were cut off from the scripture for quite a while. And they were under the influence and the dictatorship, the oppression and the tyranny of the babylonians. and that is where a lot of the distortion that happened to the religion of jesus and that is where it occured it occured in Babel. "Where was the talmud written and who wrote it?" It was written by the seventy rabbis who were in babylon. and now that is the central the focal that is the law and the central focus of the yahud now. It was written by men. They have left the Torah and they are following the Talmud. It was written by men. and the Talmud was written by the rabbis who were influenced by the regime and the environment in babylon. While the Torah came from God. The Talmud aims for several agendas surrounding Jerusalem and the temple of Solomon. And those goals are heavily tied to the origins and goals of secret societies. While prophet Solomon is innocent of their evil plans. They are the ?!?! of the temple. This temple of Süleyman is amiss. There is no such thing called temple of Suleyman. The one who build the Mescit was who? Jacob aleyhiselam. Süleyman is the one who errected the mescid and expanded it during his kingdom. It was not a temple. It was a mescid. Prophet Soloman expanded the Aqsa Mosque in the name of God. And although each prophet confirmed to his people the truth about the upcoming prophets and their complimentary holy books, the corrupted leaders fought the truth. Let’s read from suretul bakara. Ayet which is 101. And when there cometh unto them a messenger from Allah, confirming that which they possess, a party of those who have received the Scripture flung the scripture of Allah behind their backs as if they knew not, Al-Baqara (101). So they threw away the book of Allah. When resulualeyhiselam came they don’t want to follow him. What did they follow? And they followed wat the devils gave out in the lifetime of suleyman. What is this talking about. The devils were teaching people magic. Shaitan and the devils were teaching the people magic before the time of suleyman and the kingdom of suleyman. !?!? in his tefsir of this ayet says süleyman came to know that the devils are teaching people magic. so he gathered all of their manuals and books, he took them away from the devils from the people and he made a law that whomever learns magic or practises magic or teaches magic will be executed. and he took away all of these books and manuals and e buried them under his throne. so the story goes. he buried them.

Now you know why the major plans of these secret societies is to resurrect the “temple of solomon”, and dig beneath the Holy Aqsa Mosque, to retrieve the “buried treasure”. And they will stop at nothing to achieve this goal. For this mosque is surrounded by a huge conspiracy. Do you think Palestine will know true peace? It is the center piece of the global conspiracy. And it is slowly but surely getting prepared for the Dajjal’s Arrival. Many of you don’t even know the Aqsa Mosque, and that is by no coincidence. This is not the Aqsa mosque, this is the Dome of The Rock! But nonetheless, every time the Aqsa mosque is mentioned by muslim or western media this is the image that is displayed. You are purposely being manipulated to think this way, so when the true Aqsa mosque is destroyed, you will not know. Al-Aqsa Mosque, dome of Rock It’s your duty to know the difference. As you wathch this vide their plans are unfolding, and the digging is taking place beneath the Aqsa Mosque. And the destruction of this very mosque. Is one of the major and final signs of the Mahdi's Arrival. A Noreagaaa & Achernahr Production To be continued inshallah..

Like description pills when you misuse them nigger, templar knights when they took jerusalem nigger. And figured out what was buried under solomon’s temple, al-aqsa the name is not coincidental.



توقيع : عبد الحسن2
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
اللهم صل وسلم على محمد وآل محمد
" فَمَنْ يَكْفُرْ بِالطَّاغُوتِ وَيُؤْمِنْ بِاللَّهِ "
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
إمام زماني حجة الله
المستبصر عبد الحسن
من مواضيع : عبد الحسن2 0 مشروع تجريم مشايخ التكفير ومنعهم من دخول الإتحاد الأوروبي
0 حوار حول أحاديث الدجال في مصادر الفريقين
0 تم تفريغ سلسلة القادمون في منتدى الامام المهدي
0 أسس قدوم الدجال (القادمون) القسم الخامس والأخير
0 أسس قدوم الدجال (القادمون) القسم الرابع
رد مع اقتباس