عرض مشاركة واحدة

الصورة الرمزية الملك_ميسان
عضو برونزي
رقم العضوية : 63549
الإنتساب : Dec 2010
المشاركات : 314
بمعدل : 0.06 يوميا

الملك_ميسان غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور الملك_ميسان

  مشاركة رقم : 4  
كاتب الموضوع : الملك_ميسان المنتدى : منتدى الجهاد الكفائي
قديم بتاريخ : 19-03-2012 الساعة : 08:23 PM

Why was rock the begining and the originator to the population? People in the world through the ages love music, Why? Some say makes them happy, relaxed, feel joy, celebrate. It can also touch and or represent their problems, wether its a break up, love loss, money problems etc etc. Now why did they start with rock music? Well heavy guitar,drums,base,organ,and the tone(meaning the singing,yelling). This vibration brings on (jinns) and we all know that jinns (the satan ones especially) attracted by vibration. The louder you sing or listen to it, the more you attract. This subject is very long and Complicated to explain the influence of satans that's brought by music vibration and makes people act crazy; like the Iraqi guys in the video that you watched. Have you ever watched Sufi's performing their ritual? Swinging their head round and round,also up and down, In rock music they are called rockers; their movement is called head banging. The mutual point between the 2 are they are influenced by jinns, rockers influenced by satans which is brought by very loud vibrtion music and lyrics and the sufi's by their constant hitting of the Tambour. With all due respect to the sufi's ideology.
I'm asking; How could people (muslims) bang their heads(as rockers do) giving the satan salute, jumping up and down and doing the Mosh pit(smashing into eachother); How could such people maintain their spirituality??
After all that we learned; the indisputed fact that these people who's lifestyle is EMO or rocker, heavy ****l etc; How can these people still acknowledge and practice Islam in this Satanic atmosphere.
That's how my friend the Doctorine of the Satanists and the freemasons which is promoted by Alster Crowley and brought to life by Anton Lavey and his Satanic church members, they made it a way of life to people (LIFE STYLE) NOT!! ( STYLE OF LIFE?!!)
After they controlled adult's by their satanic rock, heavy ****l etc etc rituals they create a movement and they call it EMO for young teenagers to corrupt the society and destroy their Spirituality and have influence on them by songs!! ( IMAGINE THAT!!!) These teenagers they follow the lyrics one by one and thats how they identify themselves and express it because they think the music tones and lyrics express their disturbed, confused life by EMOTIONAL disrupt. Also please keep in mind; I only gave you one rock band out of , hundreds and I barely scratched the surface. I think this is enough with my poor English language; I hope you understood my Poor English; since your an English Specialist, regarding freemasons and their good deeds in the world?? The harmless secret society???. I will write to you my response about them in Arabic so you can understand it better.

Best Regards

توقيع : الملك_ميسان
موضوع فيه معلومات قيمة عن حقيقة الماسونية العالمية
من مواضيع : الملك_ميسان 0 إكراماً لشهداء المقابر لجماعية المالكي يعيد الظباط البعثية..!
0 الضربة التي لاتقتلك تقويك.!!
0 حنان الفتلاوي وفلتت اللسان التي كشفت المستور..!
0 ذكرى إغتيال الشهيد علي اللامي وعودة البعثيين من أوسع الأبواب
0 د- ناهدة التميمي لك الحقائق وليس ما قيل في الشوارع..!!