عرض مشاركة واحدة

الصورة الرمزية الملك_ميسان
عضو برونزي
رقم العضوية : 63549
الإنتساب : Dec 2010
المشاركات : 314
بمعدل : 0.06 يوميا

الملك_ميسان غير متصل

 عرض البوم صور الملك_ميسان

  مشاركة رقم : 2  
كاتب الموضوع : الملك_ميسان المنتدى : منتدى الجهاد الكفائي
قديم بتاريخ : 19-03-2012 الساعة : 08:11 PM

In regards to the EMO connection to Alster Crowley; I don't know where did you read in my statement that I said that EMO connected to Alster Crowley?!! I don't know why you persist to PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH; (meaning you claim I said something I did not).
Let me tell you what I actually meant about Alster Crowley and his influence on society. I said, "that this behavior, this movement has been influenced by the satanic black majic method and philosophy of Alster Crowley". not what you said, it's a phenomena!!; you wonder, How did I come to this conclusion;? If you recall I posted a picture of a person who's name is Anton Lavey who is the Pope (for lack of better word)of the film and music industry, for example most if not all actors,actress,singers wether they are Pop, country, rock,rapp,grundge,heavy ****l, alternative, gothic, pop rock, jazz,rythm and blues etc etc all of them must be members of the church of satan, because of the producers, people who have big, big money. The producers are the pillars and the voice of the church of satan of Anton Lavey who is the student of Alster Crowley teachings of satan worshipping and black majic, there is no movie, song, lyrics that does not praise satan, plus through all iof music they promote the teachings of satan through the music, wether it's the melody,rythm,lyrics etc.
Anyone wanna be (want's to be) a star must be a church of satan member that belongs to Anton lavey; which still exist today, this is a video of a famous pop singer Katy Perry and listen to what she said; by the way Katy perry's father and mother have a church where people go and worship their jesus; her father is a pastor, listen how she said SHE SOLD HER SOUL TO THE DEVIL in various interviews, including her friend the black singer who said,"YOU HAVE TO SIGN A CONTRACT IN BLOOD WITH SATAN", this is only one of the tiny small part of the reality of the music industry in the west,east,south,north ; All over the world when someone

produces music. OH!! by the way even the Arabic musical Industry is Satanic JUST FOR THE RECORD)
this is the video link

توقيع : الملك_ميسان
موضوع فيه معلومات قيمة عن حقيقة الماسونية العالمية
من مواضيع : الملك_ميسان 0 إكراماً لشهداء المقابر لجماعية المالكي يعيد الظباط البعثية..!
0 الضربة التي لاتقتلك تقويك.!!
0 حنان الفتلاوي وفلتت اللسان التي كشفت المستور..!
0 ذكرى إغتيال الشهيد علي اللامي وعودة البعثيين من أوسع الأبواب
0 د- ناهدة التميمي لك الحقائق وليس ما قيل في الشوارع..!!